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- TO........All
- FROM......Lester Garrett @ 914/213
- SUBJECT...The Brady Bill (text)
- DATE......04:10am 23-Apr-91
- (With grateful appreciate to Ray Majewski in the SmartNet LEGAL echo.)
- To ammend title 18, United States Code, to require a waiting
- period before the purchase of a handgun.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- JANUARY 23 (legislative day JANUARY 3), 1991
- Mr. METZENBAUM (for himself, Mrs. KASSEBAUM, Mr. CHAFEE,
- Mr. LEVIN) introduced the following bill; which was read
- twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
- ---------------------------------------------------
- To ammend title 18, United States Code, to require a waiting
- period before the purchase of a handgun.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
- United States of America in Congress assembled,
- This act may be cited as the "Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act."
- (a) IN GENERAL.--Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is
- amended by adding at the end the following:
- (s) (1) It shall be unlawful for any licensed importer, licensed
- manufacturer, or licensed dealer to sell, deliver, or
- transfer a handgun to an individual who is not licensed
- under section 923, unless--
- (A) after the most recent proposal of such transfer by
- the transferee--
- (i) the transferor has--
- (I) received from the transferee a statement of the
- transferee containing the information described
- in paragraph (3);
- (II) verified the identification of the transferee
- by examining the identification document
- presented; and
- (III) within one day after the transferee furnishes
- the statement, provided a copy of the statement
- to the chief law enforcement officer of the
- place of residence of the transferee; and
- (ii)(I) the transferor has received written verification
- that the chief law enforcement officer has
- received the statement, seven days have elapsed
- from the date the transferee furnished the
- statement, and the transferor has not received
- information from the chief law enforcement
- officer that receipt or possession of the
- handgun by the transferee would be in violation
- of Federal, State, or local law; or
- (II) the transferor has received notice from the
- chief law enforcement officer that the officer
- has no information indicating that receipt or
- possession of the handgun by the transferee
- would violate Federal, State, or local law;
- (B) the transferee has presented to the transferor a
- written statement, issued by the chief law
- enforcement officer of the place of residence of the
- transferee during the ten day period ending on the
- date of the most recent proposal of such transfer by
- the transferee, which states that the transferee
- requires access to a handgun because of a threat to
- the life of the transferee or of any member of the
- household of the transferee;
- (C)(i) the transferee has presented to the transferor a
- permit which--
- (I) allows the transferee to possess a handgun;
- and
- (II) was issued not more than five years earlier by
- the State in which the transfer is to take
- place; and
- (ii) the law of the State provides that such a permit
- is to be issued only after an authorized
- government official has verified that the
- information available to such official does not
- indicate that possession of a handgun by the
- transferee would be in violation of law;
- (D) the law of the State--
- (i) prohibits any licensed importer, licensed
- manufacturer, or licensed dealer from
- transferring a handgun to an individual who is
- not licensed under section 923, before at least
- seven days have elapsed from the date of the
- transferee proposes such transfer; or
- (ii) requires that, before any licensed importer,
- licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer
- completes the transfer of a handgun to an
- individual who is not licensed under section 923,
- an authorized government official verifies that
- the information available to such official does
- not indicate that possession of a handgun by the
- transferee would be in violation of law; or
- (E) the transferor has received a report from any system
- of felon identification established by the Attorney
- General pursuant to section 6213(a) of the Anti-Drug
- Abuse Act of 1988, that available information does
- not indicate that possession of a handgun by the
- transferee would violate Federal, State, or local
- law.
- (2) Paragraph (1) shall not be interpreted to require any
- action by a chief law enforcement officer which is not
- otherwise required.
- (3) The statement referred to in paragraph (1)(A)(i)(I) shall
- contain only--
- (A) the name, address, and date of birth appearing on a
- valid identification document (as defined in section
- 1028(d)(1) of the transferee containing a photograph
- of the transferee and a description of the
- identification used;
- (B) a statement that transferee--
- (i) is not under indictment for, and has not been
- convicted in any court fo, a crime punishable by
- imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
- (ii) is not a fugitive from justice;
- (iii) is not an unlawful user of or addicted to any
- controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of
- the Controlled Substance Act);
- (iv) has not been adjucated as a mental defective or
- been committed to a mental institution;
- (v) is not an alien who is illegally or unlwafully in
- the United States;
- (vi) has not been discharged from the Armed Forces
- under dishonorable conditions; and
- (vii) is not a person who, having been a citizen of the
- United States, has renounced such citizenship;
- (C) the date the statement is made; and
- (D) notice that the transferee intends to obtain a
- handgun from the transferor.
- (4) Any transferor of a handgun who, after such transfer,
- receives a report from a chief law enforcement officer
- containing information that receipt or possession of the
- handgun by the transferee violates Federal, State, or
- local law shall immediately communicate all information
- the transferor has about the transfer and the transferee
- to--
- (A) the chief law enforcement officer of the place of
- business of the transferor; and
- (B) the chief law enforcement officer of the place of
- residence of the transferee.
- (5) Any transferor who receives information, not otherwise
- available to the public, in a report under this
- subsection shall not disclose such information except to
- the transferee, to law enforcement authorities, or
- pursuant to the direction of a court of law.
- (6)(A) Any transferor who sells, delivers, or otherwise
- transfers a handgun to a transferee shall retain the
- copy of the statement of the transferee with respect
- to the handgun transaction.
- (B) Unless the chief law enforcement officer to whom a
- copy of the statement is sent determines that a
- transaction would violate Federal, State, or lowal
- law, the officer shall, within 30 days after the date
- the transferee made such statement, destroy such copy
- and any record containing information derived from
- such statement.
- (7) For purposes of this subsection, the term 'chief law
- enforcement officer' means the chief of police, the
- sheriff, or an equivalent officer, or the designee of
- any such individual.
- (8) The Secretary shall take necessary actions to assure
- that the provisions of this subsection are published and
- disseminated to dealers and to the public.".
- (b) HANDGUN DEFINED.--Section 921(a) of title 18, United States
- Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
- (29) The term 'handgun' means--
- (A) a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to
- be held and fired by the use of a single hand; and
- (B) any combination of parts from which a firearm
- described in subparagraph (A) can be assembled.".
- (c) PENALTY.--Section 924(a) of such title is amended--
- (1) in paragraph (1) by striking "(2) or (3)" and inserting
- "(2), (3), or (4)"; and
- (2) by adding at the end the following:
- "(4) Whoever knowingly violates section 922(s) shall be
- fined not more than $1,000, imprisoned for not more
- than one year, or both.".
- (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendments made by this Act shall apply
- to conduct engaged in ninety or more days after te date of
- the enactment of this Act.
- =================================================================
- With much grateful appreciation to RAY MAJEWSKI who provided the
- text in the SmartNet LEGAL echo. -={lsg}=-
- =================================================================
- The Brady Bill - comments
- Some thoughs on the Brady Bill
- ======================================================================
- (s)(1) It shall be unlawful. . .to sell, deliver, or transfer a
- handgun . . .unless--
- (ii)(I) the transferor has received written verification that
- the chief law enforcement officer has received the
- statement, seven days have elapsed from the date the
- transferee furnished the statement, and the
- transferor has not received information from the
- chief law enforcement officer that receipt or
- possession of the handgun by the transferee would be
- in violation of Federal, State, or local law; or
- Ok, so before you can sell me that .380, (1) you gotta get "written
- verification" from Gates that he received my statement; (2) at
- least a week has passed since my statement was "furnished" to
- Gates; and (3) Gates didn't tell you (in writing?) that I can't
- have it.
- Does this mean you can sell me the gun if a week has elapsed and
- you haven't hear from Gates? No, not exactly. The first clause
- says you can't sell it to me unless, at the very least, you've
- gotten a written acknowledgement that Gates got the paperwork. If
- you don't get the written acknowledgement, no sale.
- Ok. So just to be sure, each morning you trot down to police HQ
- carrying the forms from the previous day. You slide over to the
- desk, wait patiently, and when it's your turn, you offer the
- documents and request your written acknowledgements. But the desk
- Sgt. says: "I can't do dat. Dey have t' come from d' Chief. Dat's
- d' law. Leave 'em here and we'll send 'em upstairs." Hmmm. Well,
- this section does end with an "or", so let's see where that goes.
- (II) the transferor has received notice from the chief law
- enforcement officer that the officer has no
- information indicating that receipt or possession of
- the handgun by the transferee would violate Federal,
- State, or local law;
- This isn't any help. It seems to be telling you what Gates'
- approval statement has gotta say -- if he bothers to send you one.
- But there's nothing here which says he's gotta send an approval
- statement. Nor is there anything here which even requires that he
- give you the written acknowledgment from the preceding paragraph.
- Furthermore, there's nothing here which even requires Gates to do
- any investigating. Hell, as the paperwork builds up, he can just
- ignore it, since he's not REQUIRED to do anything. In which case
- we got a bill that says you gotta wait 7 days. Maybe the cops will
- check you out. Then again, maybe they won't. And maybe they won't
- even acknowledge receipt of your application. In which case, no
- sale. Stuff gets lost, ya know. You'll have to resubmit. Hmmm.
- (2) Paragraph (1) shall not be interpreted to require any action
- by a chief law enforcement officer which is not otherwise
- required.
- This is funny. This seems to say that nothing in paragraph 1
- requires the Chief to do anything that he isn't already required to
- do. Translation: The bill don't require that he do anything.
- I don't see anything in Paragraph (1) which say that Gates is
- REQUIRED to take any action. Let me take another look. (1)(A)(i)
- says what you gotta do. (1)(B) says what I gotta do. (1)(C) seems
- to give me an alternative to 1B. (1)(D) don't do it. What does 1D
- do? We began with "It shall be unlawful unless". First we're told
- what _YOU_ gotta do to make it kosher. Then what _I_ gotta do.
- Then _MY_ alternative. Then? Hmmm. 1D seems to be saying that
- it's also unlawful for you to sell me the .380 unless CA has
- enacted similar laws. If the State don't got the same law, you
- better not sell it to me.
- (1)(E) mentions additional information which you might get bearing
- on the sale. And then we're at (2). Nope. I don't see anything
- there which SAYS that Gates GOTTA do a damned thing. Nothing that
- requires an acknowledgment. Nothing that requires an
- approval/denial. Nothing that requires an investigation.
- There's a whole lot there telling us what we gotta wait for, but
- nothing that says we gotta get it. Did I overlook something?
- -={lsg}=-
- # Origin: Laissez Nous Faire! San Francisco, CA (1:125/101) or (8:914/
- 213)
- * Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)